Coming Soon!

Surviving the holdays
With a little help – you can get through this Holiday season!Here are some tips and guidance from a few of our providers. GENERAL TIPS

International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day
It is always difficult to deal with emotions around the death of a loved one or friend; but it is much more difficult to struggle

November is National Family Caregivers Month
Behavioral Health Solutions (BHS) supports National Family Caregivers Month in November – a month long observance with the purpose of drawing attention to the work

November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month
President Ronald Reagan established November as National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month in 1983. The Proclamation states in part: “Alzheimer’s disease, a devastating disease that affects

Nevada Day
As a Nevada company based in Henderson, BHS is proud to recognize this unique state, its residents and the holiday that celebrates it. BHS is

National Addiction Treatment Week: Oct. 21-27, 2021
National Addiction Treatment Week, recognized October 18-24 this year, was developed to inform the public and medical profession of the gap between patients in need