Coming Soon!

World Suicide Prevention Day
Over 700,000 people worldwide commit suicide each year and for each one of those, there are another 20 suicide attempts.1 It is impossible to know

Grief Awareness Day
Grief never ends, but it changes. It’s a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of

BHS Is Expanding Into New Mexico
Santa Fe, NM Behavioral Health Solutions continues to grow and expand their services into the state of New Mexico through the acquisition of Interaction Matters,

BHS Is Expanding Into Idaho
Boise, ID Behavioral Health Solutions continues to grow and expand their services into the state of Idaho through the acquisition of Human Supports of Idaho,

Telehealth Helps Improve Access to Care
Access to health care is a function of availability of services (personnel and supplies) and the ability to pay for those services. According to the

June is PTSD Awareness Month
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a serious psychological disorder that can develop after an individual has been exposed to a terrifying event. It may also