
National Addiction Treatment Week: Oct. 21-27, 2021

Addiction Ttreatment Week

National Addiction Treatment Week, recognized October 18-24 this year, was developed to inform the public and medical profession of the gap between patients in need of addiction treatment and qualified medical professionals to provide evidence-based treatment. Addiction is a disease and there are effective methods to treat addiction and promote recovery.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA,) in 2019 7.8% of the population aged 12 and up (21.6 million people) needed treatment for addiction and only 4.2 million received treatment.  Addictions come in various forms.  Substance Use Disorder (SUD) includes alcohol, illicit drugs and tobacco.  Opioid Use Disorder has reached epidemic proportions with over 750,000 dying from overdose or misuse since 1999.  Alcohol Use Disorder affects 14.8 million people in the United States with only 5% receiving treatment.  It is the 3rd leading cause of preventable death in the US with 88,000 people dying annually.

Only about 17% of all diagnosed with an addiction or substance use disorder receive the treatment needed. Accessibility to services is often a barrier to receiving needed care; and more medical providers need training and to offer addiction treatment.  The National Addiction Treatment Week website references a published study indicating that once a person sought treatment, less than 30% received an appointment within 24 hours, 40% waited between 3 and 7 days and 12% waited more than 7 days for an assessment appointment.  Not only is it access to services, but stigma surrounding addiction and treatment also remains a real barrier for some people. They need to recognize the need for help and accept that addiction is a disease and not a weakness.

Behavioral Health Solutions is working to address the growing need for addiction treatment.  BHS recently launched a Medication Assisted Treatment program utilizing suboxone therapy to treat opioid use disorder with specially trained providers.  Additionally, BHS has a provider group of therapists able to assist in addiction recovery.  Our providers are available to help you on your journey to recovery.

The opposite of addiction is connection. Please reach out and connect with BHS for help.

Call 702-608-1976 today for an appointment!

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