
Seasonal Depression: Holidays During Covid-19

The 2020 holiday season is going to look quite different this year. Normally the last two months of the year are filled with parties, festivities and travel to see family and friends. However, due to Covid-19 gathering in groups and traveling may not be safe or even possible.

On top of having lost loved ones this year due to Covid-19, many have also experienced loss in another way; the loss of a job. The loss of a job has created financial stress. It can be very difficult to cope with all these changes, especially during the holiday season when one relies on this only time of year with their loved ones

This time of uncertainty and change in plans is difficult to cope with and the condition of one’s mental health can be strained. Healthy mental health conditions thrive off of consistency but during sudden shifts in change, the loss of routine and structure can lead to extreme disappointment, sadness and depression.

All of the restrictions during this holiday season can put a strain on our mental health. Being aware and accepting of that are key tools in mental health recovery during this holiday season. Experts state that it is important to be vigilant about our mental health during this holiday season. Remembering the basics of getting enough rest, eating healthy and exercising, practicing gratitude and staying connected with others will be so important in coping during this time. Remember to be compassionate towards yourself and others.

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